The Fallacy - RAZAK MEDIA




Monday, January 7, 2019

The Fallacy

As exhausting the day was, my associates and I decided to go and sit under a cocoa tree adjacent to the King’s palace to enjoy the natural air and ponder over how each can excel.

The chat started with the declaration of the tertiary institutions each of us wishes to further since formal education is the way to go these days.

Each of us mentioned institutions of our choice. Unlike the lots, I declared to them my intention to further at the university. My associates with much adoration advised me to change the mind and further at the Training College.

They told me as for training college, it is the shortcut to employment and financial breakthrough. For them, there are a lot of government schools awaiting one right after completion and payment too is just overwhelming. "For training college, immediately you complete, you will get a job to do and become rich as soon as possible", one said.

After their nice talk, they also mentioned some disadvantages of furthering at the university. ‘Look around! Check the number of unemployed graduates. Almost all of them are university students. They go, pay high bills only for them to complete and be at home. Most go ahead and form Unemployed Youth Association. The few that are employed only get a peanut at the end of the day', they said.

"Do you know what most bankers earn upon spending much hours at work reporting and closing late? Think about some journalists on the set, their take home is just a mouthwatering something", they buttressed.

Some thought provoking questions and comments kept me wondering till some hours. My friends’ views are equally the same as what other relatives of mine have been reiterating.

Mama and sisters have always been telling me to further at the Training College, buttressing their point with these same facts of employment and unemployment brouhaha!

This could be the misconception of all. The fallacy that one will get employment after Training College. The fallacy that one will not get employment after university. And the fallacy that it is the duty of the government to create job avenues.

Now the questions are, aren’t there teacher trainees who are poor or unemployed? Aren’t there people who have completed the university but are employed and rich?

This apparently tells us that getting employment depends on us and not where we further. In either way, there is unemployment and employment.

It is advisable however that, it is never an ultimate responsibility of government to create employment avenues but rather a conducive environment for all to strive.
Stand-up today, chose a school of yourself, learn with a difference and create your own work to employ others. The change starts with you today!

By: Musah Abdul Razak Churchill
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